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  • Bruce Douglas

Disc Sox: A Review of the disc storage system.

Updated: 4 days ago

If you're like me you don't have infinite space for the growing number of Limited Editions piling up near your TV. Chances are you are like me and have a partner/spouse who despises the lovely stacks you've created around the living room centerpiece/altar to movies.

I found DiscSox after an exhaustive search for an option to reduce the number of cases while keeping the discs and artwork out of harm's way. Coming across this video from The Container Store, my interest was piqued, as these didn't resemble the flimsy, cheap plastic sleeves I'd found elsewhere.

Disclaimer: I only use DiscSox Sleeves for my catalog titles that aren't boutique labels or have special packaging worth keeping intact. My Vinegar Syndrome, Criterion, and Severin discs are all safe and sound.

Each DiscSox requires you to fold the artwork to match the rigid spine of the sleeve. Once you've folded and properly inserted it you'll slide those discs into place. Got an insert booklet? There's room for that, too. However, if you've got a title with more than 2 discs AND an insert booklet the DiscSox will be bulging a bit. Be careful with these as things may spill out accidentally.

For long term storage DiscSox work well to protect your discs and offer a more elegant solution to housing your movies. Recommended

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