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  • Bruce Douglas

Film is dead. Long Live Film.

Updated: Jan 26

It's tough to pin down a single moment or movie that got me here. At some point I'll do a deep dive into those titles that shaped my love of moves and inspired me to dedicate my waking hours to the art form. I wanna start here with a soft introduction to the blog using this clip from Bicycle Thieves.

In the clip a father takes his son to a fancy restaurant filled with the upper crust of their village. Having just lost his bicycle, his means of work and transportation, the father hopes to instill a bit of joy into his son's heart. This oversimplification of the scene doesn't pay enough respect to the film but I include here at the blog's introduction because of it's impact on me as a parent and film lover. If you haven't seen Bicycle Thieves please search it out. I can't recommend it enough.

Welcome to BetaMax Bandits where we celebrate Movies Without Borders.

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